Abiding in Christ. Transforming Lives. Making Disciples.

“If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.”
– Jesus, John 15


At our core, Influencers is a ministry that comes alongside the local church to encourage and influence individuals towards an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ through a journey of spiritual intimacy. This is accomplished in a small-group setting called a Journey Group. Participants meet for a 9-month period with a group of believers who share the same heart to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.


As they begin to understand and participate in this process of abiding, true-life transformation begins to take place. These individuals become Influencers to their world, which means marriages, children, businesses, and communities are impacted.


Who We Are

Our Mission
Influencers is a ministry that comes alongside the local church to encourage and influence individuals towards an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ through a journey of spiritual intimacy.


Our Vision
To transform lives through The Journey, enabling them to be a positive influence to the world around them.


Who We Are
Influencers Global Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit organization that comes alongside the local church to encourage and influence individuals towards an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ through a journey of spiritual intimacy.  Our method is “The Journey,” a 9-month process where a small group of believers…


> Meet together regularly for encouragement, discussion and sharing.

> Become self-feeders on God’s Word through individual assignments and disciplines, like Journaling.

> Grow in understanding their identity in Christ, His desire for intimacy with His children, what it means to Abide in Christ, Who the Holy Spirit is and how He empowers us with spiritual gifts.

> Understand how to have a stronger, more meaningful prayer life.

> Discover their place in God’s Kingdom as they begin to be Influencers for Christ, first at home, and then, to their world (their neighbourhood, their church, their workplace.)

Are you Ready to Take The Journey?

Take The Journey from Anywhere

Thanks to Zoom technology, anyone who has a smartphone, tablet or computer with access to high-speed internet can go through a Journey Group.  We did our first pilot of a Virtual Journey Group in 2018 (before COVID or Zoom was a thing) and we saw that God could use technology to help make disciples.  Now, we have a few years of experience and hundreds of men, women and couples have gone through The Journey in a Virtual Group.


This has opened avenues to reach people who are hungry for an abiding relationship with Christ in cities where we don’t currently have an active Branch.  It is also allowing current Influencers to invite their friends and family members who live in other cities.  Once someone completes The Journey virtually, many of these new Influencers are starting Journey groups in their own cities.  We are watching God expand this ministry amazingly in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and social distancing and quarantining.  Only God could do that.

Are you Looking to Join a Group?


Feel free to submit your interest, follow the link below.